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- Now as the months roll by and you get to downloading various programs from
- the BBS's and picking up the odd Fish disk, you're going to end up with
- programs all over the place so we need to do two things in preparation.
- The first is getting our archives together. Format four or five disks and
- label them Arc1, Arc2, etc. or A1, A2, etc. These disks are our library, or
- archives. When we download a program off a BBS, it comes compressed, as
- time is money on the phone line and the smaller the file size the quicker
- the download time. This compression is called "arc'ing", and you use a
- program called, surprisingly, "Arc" to do it with. When you get an arc'd
- download, you de-arc it with either Arc or a smaller faster de-arc-only
- program called Pkax. After that you look at the freshly de-arc'd files,
- read the docs and try out the program. Then, if it looks like a program you
- want, or MIGHT want down the road, you copy the original arc'd version to
- the archives. You'll have directories on these archive disks and you'll file
- the programs correctly, as well as have a master text file of what's where,
- how many arc and program bytes, brief description and maybe where you got it
- from. Give yourself LOTS of elbow-room on those archives; they fill up
- quickly and it's a bitch to expand, say, three disks to six just because of
- all the copying. I currently have fourteen two-thirds-filled archive disks
- with the following catagory headings spread throughout:
- TOOLS gets full real quick which is why I have a separate category for
- graphic tools. REPLACEMENTS are replacement CLI commands. My original
- SCREENS/WINDOWS directory also started pretty fat so I split the two.
- Yes, it seems silly to have an entire category just for the pointer but
- I've got EIGHT programs in there, so what'ya want?
- If you don't have a modem yet but have picked up a few Fred Fish disks
- down at the store, the same holds true: Get them stored. You can use the
- original Fish disk for the storage if you want, but usually you only want a
- program or two off the disks, so my advice is to store what you want and put
- the Fish disks in a box in the closet to pull out six months from now and
- see if you've changed your mind about any of the other programs. DON'T use
- the Fish disks, cleaned and formatted or not, as they're poor quality and if
- you're using the Sonys you mustn't stoop so low as to use a generic disk.
- The other thing we have to do in preparation for the new programs invading
- our tidy Amigaworld is to make a couple of specialized Benches. If you like
- icons, you'll end up with a bunch of different icon utilities, so make a
- copy of BlankBench, rename it IconBench, and go through it as we did before,
- erasing any file that doesn't relate to icons. I'm just talking about Tools
- and things, of course. We obviously leave the l, libs, and devs directories
- alone. But most of the tools, really just about everything besides the CLI
- and IconEd can go. This is the IconBench, buddy. Move what's left over to
- the main Workbench window, then "Delete Utilities all". We note that even
- though we moved everything out of Utilities, the directory's still not empty
- (there's still the .info file) so "Delete Utilities" without the "all" won't
- work..directory not empty!
- Remember, I'm capitalizing words simply for clarity; the CLI doesn't care.
- Good advice right now would be get into the habit of always capitalizing cer-
- tain words: directory names, program names, c commands, whatever strikes your
- fancy. There're no strict rules on the subject. Even Commodore's own
- st-seq has their commands three different ways; not capitalized in "echo",
- capitalized in "BindDrivers", and all caps in "if EXISTS". So get your own
- little system together and stick with it. In this tutorial I'll just
- capitalize everything in sight.
- *
- All right: As you can see, you'll end up with a bunch of different
- Benches. You'll have a GraphicsBench where you'll have different graphics
- tools for showing pics, running animations, etc. You'll have a
- FirstAidBench filled with Diskdoctor-type programs, undeleters, file-
- zappers, sector editors, whatever, in case of need. You'll have ExperiBench
- for screwing up, maybe a MusicBench for music programs, VideoBench for
- movie programs, NoteBench for word processing, hey, who knows??
- There is, however, another way to do all this, but it has too many
- drawbacks..disks are cheap, remember? I'll explain it to you anyway just so
- you know. Assuming you have a blank, formatted disk in df1, you can, of
- course, store tools (in drawers, if you wish) on that disk and simply run
- them by opening df1's window and double-clicking on the icon. Also, because
- the disk in df1 isn't a boot disk and doesn't need all the accompanying files
- that Workbench does, it can hold just tons of tools, eliminating the need
- for almost all of the CustomBenches. For all of that, you REALLY want df1
- free to transfer things to and from and if you start running projects and
- things from df1 you'll end up being plagued by "Please insert disk so-and-
- so.." requesters. And that's only the start of some of the hassles that
- might crop up, another being that paths are much more critical with
- something running from an external device, be it df1 or Ram. I tried it
- for a while and gave up. It's more fun and certainly easier to deal
- with just having custom Benches for different major operations and
- leave df1 free for file shuffling.
- Not to mislead you, you'll still use good ol' Workbench as your standard
- boot-up disk. The CustomBenches are just that, for custom work. And you
- you can always run a tool or whatever from df1 in a given situation.
- *
- So what's next? Why, time to write a scriptfile, naturally! Type in the
- CLI "Ed s/g" and there's our buddy Ed with a Creating New File for us. The
- file is in the directory s and is called "g". On the first line type "Ed
- df0:s/startup-sequence". That's it! Hit Esc, x, Return. In the CLI type
- "Dir s" and see if little g is there. In the CLI "Type s/g" and see your
- fine creation right there in blue and white. Now type "Execute s/g" in the
- CLI and Lo and Behold, you've executed a script file that told the computer
- to edit the startup-sequence. Hit Esc, Q, Return, to exit the Ed without
- saving anything.
- Think that was tricky? Watch this: Type "Copy c/Execute c/f" in the CLI.
- You've just duplicated the Execute command, renaming it "f". Now in the CLI
- type "f s/g" and you've got Ed again. Still not slick enough? Hang on.
- The command Path draws a path into a directory for a tool to seek
- out. We'll use the ol' Clock as our example. Move the clock into
- the Utilities drawer. Type "clock" in the CLI and the little beggar should
- pop right up there. Close the clock, then type "Path reset" in the CLI. We
- have just wiped out the command "Path df0:System df0:Utilities Ram:" we ran
- in our st-seq. Now type "Clock" and hey, object not found! Now type
- "Utilities/Clock" and there it is. Since the Utilities directory was not in
- the paths (because we reset them), you had to draw a path to the tool with
- the command. Type "Path df0:Utilties". Now type "Clock" again..and
- since you've directed paths to the directory Utilities, you only need to
- type the name of the tool and it'll find it. A little clearer? That's why
- the Path command in the st-seq; we set things up there so we don't always
- have to type the "long" version when we want the tool. And that can BE a
- real "long version" when you're calling up tools that are within directories
- within directories within directories, etc.
- There are two directories that have "built-in" paths, so the Amiga can get
- going at boot-up. They're the c and s directories. You notice we didn't
- put "Path df0:c" in the st-seq Path command, yet if you type "Ed" in the CLI
- it doesn't come back with "Object not found" as it knows to seek for tools
- in the c directory automatically. With the s directory it's scriptfiles,
- like the startup-sequence. The first thing it does at boot-up is seek the s
- directory for "startup-sequence", even though no paths have been drawn
- there. So got the point yet? Our little file "g" is also a scriptfile, so
- to edit the st-seq, we type "f g" as fast as our little fingers can go and
- bang, there it is.
- We keep the scriptfiles in the s directory as the system automatically
- searches the s directory for scriptfiles; it lays a path for them. The
- Path command, remember, is only for tools. If you had the scriptfile "g"
- in the devs directory, say, and typed "f g", nothing would happen.
- Type "Path devs", then "f g" and still nothing happens. Path is only for
- tools. S is the directory you keep script files in unless you plan on
- spelling out the whole path during the command. In this case, "f devs/g"
- would work fine, as you specified to the Execute command the directory the
- file was in. That's "f", by the way, as in "Fire One!"
- That little file "g" is just the start, of course. We can issue all kinds
- of commands with a flip of our fingers with scriptfiles kept in the s
- directory and our copied Execute command "f". We're not going to delete the
- original command Execute, by the way, as, like leaving the t and fonts dirs
- on the disk even though they're empty, some future program might seek out
- the command Execute by name, never believing in their wildest nightmares
- that anyone would have the gall to slice up a Workbench like we're doing.
- The ONLY other command I "shorten" is EndCLI, just because it's hard to
- type quickly. You "Copy c/EndCLI c/e" and now "e" is your "EndCLI". Got a
- loose DOS window cluttering up the place, hit e, Return and bang, it's gone.
- To be accurate, no program's going to be looking for "EndCLI", so you could
- just "Rename c/EndCLI c/e" instead, and save the byteage, but it's only 732
- bytes, so what the hell.
- Here are some of my s script files:
- g - Ed df0:s/startup-sequence
- gg - Ed df1:s/startup-sequence
- ff - NewCLI con:0/0/640/400/ ;pops up big CLI window
- b - Run df0:CLI-Buster ;my name for the Directory Utility I use
- format - FailAt 25
- Format drive df1: name empty noicons ;just being lazy
- dr - Delete Ram:#? all ;deletes everything in Ram
- m - Delete Ram:#? all ;deletes everything in Ram and quits
- Fac -q FaccII to get me back most of my memory
- mm - deletes Ram, stops as many sub-routines (like FaccII) as
- possible, gets me back as much memory as possible
- Now some, like mm, execute a list, or script of commands, and that's why
- script commands are needed. Others, like "b", just fire up my Directory
- Utility (if you don't know what a DU is, you've got a real surprise coming).
- I could just rename the DU "b", then simply type "b" in the CLI window and
- up it would pop, but frankly, that's a stupid name for a tool. Not to
- mention how quickly it could get out of hand, renaming commands, script files
- AND tools with single letters. We'll leave things just as they are.
- *
- All of this business about script files and just flashing in a little
- "f g" for a quickie Ed st-seq is fine...you'll have a lot of fun with
- it...but slowly, slowly it dawns on you that there's something, well, missing
- in the whole scheme of things. The icon to run the script file with!
- That way, it you're just hangin' around the ol' Bench and you want a quick
- little Ed st-seq or press-a-button memory restoration, a timely little
- double-click with that ol' mouse button and you got it! But...but...you start
- trying to puzzle it out, naming diffent icons the name of the script file,
- making a drawer icon for the poor defenseless little s directory, and, natur-
- ally, nothing works. They forgot a program! Call it the Missing Link.
- The program's name is Xicon, and you need one, bad.
- If you don't have a modem (what have you been doing, reading??), you'll
- have to hoof it down to HT or whoever near you has Fred Fish files, decipher
- your way through the index and pick up which of these (or substitutes, if
- you dare) you can. The disks are only a couple of bucks each, you get a
- whole bunch of needless crap on each one, and best of all you get the honor
- of personally throwing away the junk generic disk when you've taken what you
- want off them.
- *
- If you just happen to HAVE a modem...well THANK GOD!! Can you believe
- that other guy I was just talking to? Doesn't even have a modem yet and
- says he has, get this, a "computer"! Har! Har! Har! What that guy has is
- the "preparation for a computer", as tremendously hip people like ourselves
- know. So, call up one of the gang:
- HT (408's) 737-0900 (call HT after 6/Sun)
- Institute 353-3802
- DigitBox 258-5463
- Rancho 683-2534
- Homebase 988-4004
- FAUG (415's) 595-2479
- RSVP 659-9169
- JC 961-7250
- Addicts 222-9416
- Nerd's Nook 672-2504
- and download:
- arc bytes program bytes
- Blitzfonts 8,131 7,096 -speeds up text output
- Conman 14,277 1,100 -CLI line editor, a must
- DU-VI 50,220w/c 35,456 -best DU I've found, also a must
- File 14,035 16,608 -file identifier
- gShow 17,408 15,712 -shows pics
- Icon+Ed 22,919 32,424 -Icon editor and saves icon's alternate image
- IconLab1.2 55,428 68,768 -handy icon tool
- Inter 18,232 25,995 -my Interlace tutorial
- KindOf 10,372 11,772 -file identifier
- Lace 1,981 2,716 -Interlace switch, another must
- Less 17,384 22,364 -replaces Type, much better
- Pkax 20,393 18,652 -de-arc's files fast
- PrefCh 14,034 4,112/212 -change Prefs while booted-up, a must
- Mackie 19,361 7,488 -pops up a CLI window at the press of 2 keys
- Runback 4,877 3,268 -replaces Run in many cases, a semi-must
- Select 8,413 5,412 -select your st-seq at boot-up, a must
- SetBeep 47,855 6,392 -changes error beep and screen flash
- Sview 5,248 5,916 -another pic viewer
- WhatIs 20,354 12,516 -file identifier
- WhereIs 29,539 12,328 -finds lost files
- Xicon201 33,392 8,432 -runs script files with icon, a must
- Unix (Zoo) 70,140 41,428 -like Arc, decompresses Zoo files, a must
- I include the arc'd bytes to compare with the file on the BBS and the prog
- bytes so you can see if you have the same program or version of the
- program as me. Not only to avoid confusion in the future but to make sure
- you got the right one; the names are sketchy at best (sometimes the name's
- already been taken on that particular BBS so you HAVE to name it something
- else) so check to make sure. A good example would be "Lace", a "switch" to
- switch you back and forth between the Interlace mode and non-Interlace mode.
- I've tried at least four of them, all with names like Lace and SetLace and
- the like, and this one (2,716 bytes) is the best. The arc'd byteage is only
- a guideline; shameless hackers like myself will actually add documentation
- to some of these programs before uploading to a different board, might even
- have the temerity to include a Zzenpad.foo file to protect the arc file dur-
- ing the upload/download proceedure. You know, that kind of impudent action.
- And we, the hapless victims, can only hope and pray we're downloading a
- different program this time and not just the same one some wanton Amigalite
- has changed and renamed. I've now downloaded the same damn 200,000 byte
- animation THREE times under three different names; two arc'd files with
- slightly different byteages and a ZOO version! It happens.
- *
- NOW you see why I had you making bench space left and right...we need some
- room for these guys! The three file identifiers are all pretty much
- worthless..they might help you to identify some odd file you've got, but
- don't count on it. The definitive WhatIs program has yet to be written.
- Remember, you can rename anything you want, so you could just tuck the three
- identifiers away in a drawer somewhere on FirstAidBench and call them WhatIs,
- WhatIs2 and WhatIs3.
- Try to find the Directory Utility DU-VI; most of the DU's around are
- single-screen and this one's a double. You'll also notice the occasional
- file with a .zoo on the end rather than a .arc. That's a Unix/Zoo file and
- you need that hefty ol' Unix file to "de-arc" the zoo file. Just a
- different method of compression; they both work about the same.
- Another thing to note is that you can't tell in the sightest how many
- bytes a program is by the arc size. There are two good examples above. The
- DU-VI is some 50,000 bytes arc'd, which might lead one the think that by the
- time it's unarc'd it'd be HUGE..but it's not. As you can see, the actual
- program is only 35 Kbytes, very modest for all it does. The bulk of the
- arc file is the "c source" documentation included in the file. And look
- at SetBeep. The actual program is only 6,300 bytes with a 2,000-byte sound
- file. I like SetBeep because it gets rid of that awful green error screen
- flash..and the "ow.snd" is hysterical. Just another case of love-at-first-
- byte.
- After you've got that gang, the next ones to get are:
- arc'd bytes
- Arc23 46,378 -arc's files, a must
- DL 11,941 -better List command
- Edible 14,395 -removes binary from text
- Filter 3,555 -gets out what Edible doesn't
- IconType 4,648 -changes type (tool, project) of icon
- IFFencode 6,540 -"snapshots" screen, saves as pic
- Melt 13,193 -maybe the greatest screen hack of all
- NewZap3.1 31,744 -lets you edit binary things like tools
- NewFont 9,946 -lets you change font for Bench/CLI
- NewFonts 52,001 -collection of neat fonts for paint & processor
- Zoomlens 6,344 -just a cute Bench tool
- *
- You'll also want to, of course, get anything else that looks intriguing;
- it obviously depends on where your interests lie. There are, for example,
- some GREAT nudes on the BBS's. There are some decent games (my favorite at
- the moment is Tetrix) and game editors.
- If you're into audio you'll want to pick up some Play programs and start
- unraveling the IFF/DMCS/SMUS/SONIX enigma.
- There are some great graphic demos around, such as Colorful, Dazzle,
- Multiscope and Nemesis. There are some nice animations about, such as
- Froggy, Bthrows and MarbleFac. The two premiere ones I've seen are Stamp
- (for StampCollector) and NotAgain, both by the esteemed Dr. Gandalf. If
- you're going to get NotAgain, dig up Boing first, just so you'll know..
- You'll also see the occasional list of various BBS numbers, yours to try
- as you will. The above list, assuming you live in the Bay Area, should keep
- you quite busy. As far as uploading goes, most of the above stuff is
- already available on most of the boards, but you can always Search the files
- while you're on the BBS and see. If you want to do your share of uploading,
- the trick is to look at New files when you first get on, and those are the
- ones most likely to be needed elsewhere. I have uploaded easily more than
- four million bytes myself. Just call me the old file shuffler.
- *